Stores are open Monday through Saturday 10:00AM – 8:00PM and Sunday 10:00AM – 6:00PM.
We can be reached through the website by clicking on contact us.
More than a store
Come to our Workshops.
Weekly job workshops are available to the public, free of charge. No sign-up required.
Job Connection Centers
Goodwill’s Job Connection Centers offer FREE, personalized services to aid you in your job search including resume-writing assistance, skills assessment, career coaching, access to computers, help with interviewing skills and job placement services.
Toledo Job Connection Center
1120 Madison Avenue
Monday – Friday: 8am – 4:30pm
DeVeaux Village Job Connection Center
2600 W. Sylvania Ave.
Monday – Friday
See workshop schedule for events and times
Defiance Job Connection Center
1005 N. Clinton St.
Monday – Friday: 10am – 4:30pm
Mission Services
At the heart of our mission are work-oriented training programs—accredited and professionally designed to help individuals overcome personal barriers to employment.
Retail Operations
Collecting and reselling donated clothing, furniture, and household items provides employment for many dedicated workers and revenue to support our mission.
Commercial Services
By contracting with local industries to perform janitorial and other contract services, we provide jobs for individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
See Alvin's Story”The Goodwill I-75 Corridor Project Program trained 40 individuals in the construction trades and employed 21 individuals with jobs on the I-75 Project.
AlvinProgram Participant