Robert McIntosh walked into the Job Connection Center on October 30, 2019 determined to change his future. He had heard from a family friend, that there was a company looking to hire for call center work and thought it would be worth a shot to check it out. According to Robert, he was “desperately looking for a job.”
Robert completed an online application with Credit Adjustment Inc. (CAI, Inc.) that day and registered to participate in the Job Readiness Program in November. Upon completing the three day, 16 hour training, Robert was scheduled for an interview with CAI, Inc. later in the week.
Robert says, “I haven’t interviewed for a real job in 10 years and the job readiness course helped me to ask the right questions at the right time.” We are happy to report that Robert is joining the company effective the first week of January 2020. He goes on to say, “I didn’t think I was going to get a job so fast, because I had been out of the office setting for 10 years.”
Thanks to his new job, Robert says, “Now I will be able to buy clothes and go on trips like I used to do. And I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to afford it, because I have a JOB!!! My first major investment will be to purchase a good used car.”