Tyrone (Ty) has been involved with Mission Services since January. His mother, Demetria, The Spaghetti Warehouse, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, and Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio’s Workforce Development, came together to support Tyrone in his quest for his first part-time job. First, Ty completed a community based assessment at The Spaghetti Warehouse. This allowed him to identify and develop on-the-job skills.
After completing Goodwill’s employment skills training, resume development, and interview skills training, the pandemic hit. For a while, things ground to a halt in Ty’s chosen field of food service and restaurant work. However, Ty’s persistence resulted in his being hired by The Spaghetti Warehouse as a porter and dishwasher. In his time as a restaurant team member, Ty has made great strides in the world of community employment. Restaurant general manager, Chad Swint, and his Goodwill Job Developer, Bernie Filipski, report that Ty is doing great on the job! He really looks forward to receiving a paycheck every other week! This is truly “The Power of Work”!