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The Lucas County Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) requested Goodwill Industries of Northwest Ohio, Inc. to come to the Ravine Park Village Community Center in order to share the services that Goodwill performs.  Two team members went to Ravine Park Village on Friday, December 3rd.  The team members were expecting to speak to 30-40 residents, however, to their surprise, they were met by 140 residents that were eager to hear about the services that Goodwill has to offer, including job training and development, Reentry, the Stay the Course Program, the Toolbox Program and the Community Employment Program.  The energy in the room resulted in interest for all of the programs!

Team members spoke to as many residents they could.  To their surprise, when they arrived back to Madison Ave, about 30 residents were waiting, ready to sign up with the Job Connection Center (JCC), the Reentry Program, Community Employment and barrier removal services.  It was such a success that LMHA has requested that Goodwill return to do another presentation in February 2022.  The entire Mission Department will attend this presentation to do intake to those participants that attend in order to bring Mission to the Community.  We can’t wait!